(HBO) - From tree... to yarn... then working hard day after day, month after month with the patience and diligence of Mong women in Pa Co commune (Mai Chau), the linen sheets being into shape is an image of cultural beauty, a link to the past, a standard for evaluating a woman's quality.

Every year, around February and March of the lunar calendar, when it starts to rain, the flax seeds are planted at a high density so that the plant grows straight and thin, without many branches and twigs, and gives good quality. Flax fiber is harvested after about 60 - 70 days from the date of sowing. The costumes ofMong people are uniquely shaped on linen with a clever combination of three basic techniques: embroidery, beeswax painting and fabric piecing.

Mong people in Pa Co commune harvest flax.

The people are peeling the flax bark into small fibers, then connect them and roll them into rolls.

Mong women always carry with them a handful of flax fibers to spin.

The process of drawing beeswax to print patterns on the fabric to highlight the outfit.

The weaving process is usually done by the elderly in the family.

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