In the cause of sustainable poverty reduction, the State’s supporting policies are considered a powerful lever to help poor and near-poor households escape poverty in Hoa Binh province. Over the past years, the Party committee and authorities of Tan My commune (Lac Son district) have always paid attention to and focused on implementing sustainable poverty reduction. Their efforts have produced positive results.

Bui Van Dung in Tan My commune, Lac Son district, runs a grocery shop to help his family have a stable income.

Quach Van San, Vice Chairman of the commune People's Committee, said that the communal People’s Committee has advised the local Party committee to issue a resolution on poverty reduction, while including the work in socio-economic development plans.

In 2023, Tan My commune has intensified the implementation of the National Target Programme for Sustainable Poverty Reduction. In particular, in order to support poor and near-poor households as well as those who newly escape poverty in economic development, the commune has opened vocational training classes for them.

The training courses are mostly short term, focusing on animal husbandry, farming, agricultural machine repair, industrial sewing, among others. Poor and near-poor households can also borrow loans from the Bank of Social Policies for household economic development. They are also provided with loans from the National Target Programme for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas to buy water tanks to improve water sources and environmental sanitation in daily life.

The locality’s economic structure has seen a strong shift. Currently, about 1,500 labourers in the commune have joined the labour market. Many have found jobs in industrial parks in nearby Bac Ninh and Bac Giang provinces, while some others have returned to work at local electronics and garment manufacturing enterprises.

In 2023, the agriculture - forestry sector make up 47% in the commune's economy, industry - handicrafts - construction 27%, and trade - services 26%.

Living condition of the locals have continued to improve, with the average income per capita reaching 53 million VND (2,200 USD) a year. The commune has 1,661 households with over 7,700 people. The poverty rate decreased to 7.83% while near-poor households accounted for 6.86%.

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