Mai Chau district has many advantages in terms of natural conditions, rich resources, and many regions with different climates, which are favorable conditions to diversify the agricultural products and develop typical products of the local. The brand of Mai Chau agricultural products is increasingly known and trusted by the consumers inside and outside the province. They are watermelon, green beam fish, purple garlic, taro, sticky corn...

The people from Hich 1 hamlet, Mai Hich commune (Mai Chau) raise blue-necked ducks for the high income.

In recent years, Mai Chau district has promoted the development of production, supply and consumption chains of the key agricultural products; Actively reviewing and adjusting the production plan towards focusing on developing key crops and livestock that are competitive and consistent with the plan for the local socio-economic development. To build the brands for the agricultural products, the district has supported the broken stamps to stick on the mouth of bottles, containers, advertising leaflets, and bags for Lau Sieu wine products in Mai Ha commune; Supporting in building the collective brand for Mai Chau rice for Mai Chau agricultural and forestry service cooperative; building the certification marks for the products "Black chicken in Pa Co, Hang Kia”, Van Mai green beam fish, Phuc San taro, Thung Khe sticky corn, Thanh Son purple garlic...

To build the brands for the key agricultural products, the product promotion and introduction play an important role. The district maintains the highland markets and organizes booths to introduce the typical agricultural products on the festivals. The organization of the annual festivals to promote and introduce the agricultural products attracts the attention of the news agencies, newspapers and a large number of tourists. Thereby, it has creating conditions for the businesses and cooperatives to bring their products closer to consumers. In addition, the district always pays attention and supports in guiding the process of establishing, granting, and monitoring the planting area codes, the packaging facility codes, production, and developing the areas for the sustainable agricultural raw material; Supporting the agricultural products to be listed on e-commerce platforms; supporting packaging, origin traceability stamps, organizing product introduction and promotion to the localities inside and outside the province. Strengthening the trade promotion, advertising and introducing products, especially for the district's strong agricultural products, helps orient the development of production and business, and form the chain links in production and processing, and the consumption of agricultural products is increasingly evident.

Aiming for the sustainability in agricultural production, Mai Chau district has promoted the production links along the value chain, attracting the businesses to invest in agriculture. Typically, the households growing green hemp plants in Tan Thanh, Son Thuy, Tam Khoe communes have signed a direct contract with Hoa Binh Agricultural Service Cooperative, covering an area of more than 64 hectares. In addition, the new high-yield and high-quality varieties are also put into use. They are high-quality pure rice variety Tien Hai 1 in Tong Dau commune, TBR 97 rice variety in Mai Ha commune; planting insect-resistant corn in Khan Ha hamlet, Son Thuy commune; planting medicinal plants in Xat Khoe commune, Bao La; There are over 40 hectares of watermelon certified to VietGAP standards and granted an inland growing area code. Currently, in the entire district, there are 12 recognized OCOP products, many of which are in the agricultural sector such as Muong Pa black pork, Muong Hich blue-necked duck, Lau Sieu alcohol, Thanh Ngach tea, dried bamboo shoots, Tong Dau leaf yeast wine, Can alcohol in Mai Ha. In 2023, the district opened 27 training classes on veterinary husbandry and guided cultivation and plant protection techniques for nearly 1,000 participants. Thereby, it has helped the people improve their knowledge for the sustainable and effective agricultural production.

With the attention and investment of all levels and sectors and the efforts of the the people, it is believed that Mai Chau district's key agricultural products will continue to affirm their brands, creating the favorable conditions for developing production and the consumption markets for the agricultural products have high and stable economic value.

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