In late 2023, pomelo growers in Dai Dong hamlet, Ngoc Luong commune in Yen Thuy district; and Thanh Ha hamlet, Thanh Son commune in Luong Son district, received the GlobalGAP certificates for their products and exported the second batch of the fruit to the UK market.


The contract for exporting this batch of Dien pomelo was signed between RYB JSC and Longdan Group of the UK at an investment promotion event of Hoa Binh province in the European country in early October 2023.

Representatives of the provincial People’s Committee and CP Group of Thailand sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) at an investment, trade and tourism promotion conference in Thailand on July 17, 2023.

Provincial authorities have reached many important agreements with UK partners in 2023, opening up opportunities for comprehensive investment cooperation with the European country.

At an investment, trade, and tourism promotionworkshop of Hoa Binh in the UK last year, the provincial People's Committee and the Vietnam Business Association in the UK(VBUK) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) of cooperation with the aim of building a sustainable and long-term cooperative relationship to create benefits and development opportunities for both sides.

The MoU emphasised that the VBUK will engage in promoting investment, trade, and tourism opportunities in Hoa Binh to its member companies and entrepreneurs; connect and support UK firms that are interested in investing into Hoa Binh, and cooperate with businesses of Hoa Binh; and assist Hoa Binh’s companies that have the demand to export goods to and import from, and attract capital from the UK market.

On the sideline of the event, the province’s working delegation organised an exhibition to showcase typical agricultural products and 18 OCOP (One Commune One Product) products, as well as the tourism potential and strengths of Hoa Binh to the UK market. This activity created a great opportunity for local products to directly reach consumers and helped enhance trade connections and expand export markets for Hoa Binh.

Previously, a delegation of Hoa Binh, led by Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Phi Long had a working session with over 150 enterprises and investors of Thailand in the framework of an investment promotion programme in the Southeast Asian nation in July last year.



During their working trip, leaders of Hoa Binh signed two MoUs with Thai partners on investment cooperation in various fields.

2023 was seen as a dynamic year for the locality’s foreign economic affairs. Apart from organising direct investment promotion activities, the province also intensified diplomatic activities and partnerships with countries in the region.

Throughout the year, foreign relations and international cooperation between Hoa Binh and Houaphanh province of Laos, Tuva province of Mongolia, and some non-governmental organisations continued to be maintained and developed, contributing to mobiliising foreign assistance for socio-economic development.

Particularly, programmes and projects implemented by 16 foreign NGOs in Hoa Binh have contributed to promoting poverty reduction, improving health, and enhancing the livelihoods of residents in project areas.

 A provincial delegation conducts a market survey in the UK as part of an investment, trade, and tourism promotion programme of the locality in the European country.

To further promote economic diplomacy, local authorities will continue to roll out key solutions, focusing on raising public awareness of the crucial role of economic diplomacy; expanding and deepening cooperation with foreign partners; and improving the quality and effectiveness of international economic integration towards turning economic diplomacy into a motivation serving socio-economic development.



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