Hoa Binh farmers are investing big in their chilli pepper cultivation areas after the first batch of 7.5 tonnes of pickled chilli peppers was shipped to the Republic of Korea (RoK) by Tien Ngan Trade and Investment Co., Ltd last month.

A chilli pepper cultivation area in Dan Chu ward, Hoa Binh city.

In recent years, several enterprises have worked together to develop chilli pepper value chain. After piloting a three-hectare chilli plantation in residential area No.4, Dan Chu ward, Hoa Binh city, Tien Ngan company spent nearly 1 billion VND (39,800 USD) on agricultural covers, irrigational system, seedlings and fertilisers.

Nguyen Le Diep, Director of the firm, said after shipping products to several foreign markets, his company studied the others, particularly the RoK which has a great demand for pickled chilli pepper.

After being harvested, chilli peppers were processed and pickled in accordance to the formula given by Tomas Company – its partner in the RoK.

Engaging in the chilli pepper production chain in Hoa Binh city since the end of 2023, Dinh Quoc Chinh, a resident in Dan Chu ward, has harvested high-quality chilli peppers. He said the chilli pepper is easy to plant as it has good growth and disease-resistance ability, adding it should be cultivated on friable soil, protected with agricultural covers and impregnated with organic fertilisers.

According to Chinh, thanks to its good quality, farmers have enjoyed stable prices, encouraging local residents to transform crop production structure to improve income. His family wants long-term cooperation with their Korean partners and Tien Ngan company so as to promote cultivation in line with organic standards.

RoK firms said that they need 4,000 tonnes of pickled chili peppers each year. Therefore, Hoa Binh province plans to expand its chilli pepper farming area to about 50 hectares for export, mostly in Luong Son, Lac Thuyand Kim Boi districts as well as Hoa Binh city.

According to Director of the provincial Department of Cultivation and Plant Protection Nguyen Hong Yen, Tien Ngan company’s pickled chilli peppers met all requirements of the importer, which is a robust sign that will boost local agricultural production in the coming time. Exporters are encouraged to invest in production belts and technologies for intensive processing to enhance productivity and improve values of their goods, he said.

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