After three years of implementing the Politburo’s Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW on continuing performing Directive 05-CT/TW on enhancing the learning and studying of President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, moral example and lifestyle, Lac Thuy district of Hoa Binh province has discovered many effective models and practices, creating a spillover effect in the local community, helping to develop a clean and strong Party Organisation meeting the requirements in the new situation.

Photo: ong Tam pre-school in Lac Thuy district is a model of good learning and teaching.
Huong Binh cable car project in Phu Nghia commune, which has a total length of 2.96 km and a total cost of 1.72 trillion VND (67.61 million USD), was launched on May 24, 2023, becoming a model of unity among officials and locals in Phu Nghia commune in ground clearance for major projects.

Over the years, the Party Organisation of Lac Thuy district has associated the implementation of Conclusion 01-KL/TW into the thematic meetings for each year and tenure in line with the settlement of issues in the locality.

The provincial Centre of Politics has organised nine courses for 3,689 officials and Party members in the district, while local Party Organisations have organised 46 conferences gathering 8,731 officials and Party members on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, moral example and lifestyle.

After three years of implementing the conclusion, the district has discovered 473 good models in various areas, including 28 in leadership and direction, 7 in communications, 95 in economic development, 77 in socio-culture, 97 in charity, 17 among religious communities, and 22 among ethnic minority groups.

Many localities and agencies in the district have associated the studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example into particular emulation movements and activities.

Over the past three years, Party cells and organisations across the district have honoured 176 collectives and individuals in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example.

Pham Van Duc, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Lac Thuy, said that in the coming time, the district will continue to step up the implementation of Conclusion 01, while focusing on building and rectifying the Party Organisation and the political system, preventing and combating signs of degradation in morality and lifestyle as well as "self-transformation” and self-evolution,” and promoting the role and responsibility to set good examples of officials and Party members, especially those holding leadership positions.

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