On the occasion of President Ho Chi Minh’s 134th birth anniversary (May 19, 1890 - 2024), the Museum of Hoa Binh province has introduced the revolutionary relic site where the leader visited the Chi Hoa production group and his visits to the province to 100 students from the Bai Lang Primary and Junior High School in Luong Son district.


 A guide of the Hoa Binh Museum gives a presentation on President Ho Chi Minh’s visits to the province to students.

Students accessed the photos and documents about the President’s working trips to Hoa Binh, including his visit to the money printing factory at the Chi Ne Plantation in Lac Thuy district in February 1947; his meeting with over 300 cadres, soldiers and people of different ethnic groups in Hoa Binh at the agricultural collectivisation school on Ngoc Wharf in Ky Son district, now Trung Minh ward of Hoa Binh city; his visit to the Chi Hoa production group in Doc Phan hamlet of Lam Son commune, Luong Son district in 1958; his trip to the Socialist Labour Youth School in 1962; and another to the Party Committee of Kim Boi district in 1964.

Through presentation and interactions, students learned more about the province’s history and the significant values of local cultural heritages, as well as enormous contributions by President Ho Chi Minh.

The activity aimed to help educate the young on the revolutionary tradition, patriotism, along with the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and historical values. It was also meant to help effectively carry out the Government’s programme on stepping up libraries, museums, and cultural centres’ activities that support life-long learning by 2030.


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