The Hoa Binh Party Committee’s Standing Board on May 22 organised a ceremony to present 60, 50 and 45-year Party membership badges to three Party members who are former leaders of the province.

The ceremony saw the presence of Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, and Bui Duc Hinh, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Hoa Binh People’s Council.

Members of the Hoa Binh Party Committee’s Standing Board present flowers to the Party members receiving the Party membership badges.

At the event, Long handed over the 60-year Party membership badge to Hoang Van Hon, former member of the Party Central Committee, former National Deputy, former Secretary of the Hoa Binh Party Committee and former Chairman of the provincial People’s Council. Hon, born in 1943, was officially admitted to the Party on April 29, 1965. He is now a member of the Party Organisation of Luong Son township.

The 50-year Party membership badge was presented to Major General Bui Dinh Phai, former member of the Hoa Binh Party Committee’s Standing Board, former Commander of the provincial Military Command. Born in 1953, Phai was officially admitted to the Party on May 22, 1975, and is joining Party activities in Kha La village Party cell of Phong Phu commune’s Party Organisation in Tan Lac district.

Meanwhile, Bui Inh, former member of the Hoa Binh Party Committee’s Standing Board and former head of the provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Information and Education was honoured with the 45-year Party membership badge. Inh was born in 1949 and officially admitted to the Party on April 27, 1980. He is now a member of the Party cel No.4 under the Party Organisation of Phuong Lam ward of Hoa Binh city.

The badges are the noble award of the Party to recognise and honour Party members for their contributions to national construction and defence.

Addressing the event, Long congratulated the honoured Party members on the decorations.

He said he hopes with their reputation and high sense of responsibility, the three honoured Party members will continue setting good examples, maintaining and promoting their revolutionary mettle and qualities of Party members, and contributing their brainpower and experience to popularising and encouraging the community to implement Party policies and State laws as well as building a pure and strong provincial Party Organisation.

On behalf of the honoured Party members, Hon pledged to continue to fulfil the responsibility of a Party member and make more contributions to the development of the locality.

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