Lac Son district, with 91% of residents from ethnic minority groups, has shown strong performance in implementing programmes, projects and policies regarding ethnic affairs, with a focus on building rural infrastructure system and supporting locals in economic development and improving living conditions.

Students in Lac Son district’s Boarding School for Ethnic Minority Students stage a play on reducing child marriage and consanguineous marriage in ethnic minority-inhabited areas.

At an event to popularise regulations on reducing child marriage and consanguineous marriage held at the Lac Son district’s Boarding School for Ethnic Minority Students, through skits, musical performances and speeches presented by the school's students, the consequences of child marriage and consanguineous marriage were conveyed in a vivid and easy-to-understand manner.

Ha Cong Khanh, Vice Principal of the school said that the school is among those receiving support from the sub-project No.2 of Project 9 of the national target programme on boosting the socio-economic development of ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas in the 2021-2025 period in Lac Son.

For the school, which has 330 students in 11 classes, the popularisation of knowledge and legal regulations on child marriage and consanguineous marriage prevention is necessary, helping change the awareness and actions of students and locals, thus curbing child marriage and consanguineous marriage in ethnic minority-inhabited areas.

Over the years, the Party Committee, administration, departments, sectors and organisations of Lac Son have paid attention to effectively and fully implementing programmes, resolutions and policies related to ethnic minority affairs.

The district disbursed 100% of the budget for activities to reduce child marriage and consanguineous marriage for 2023. With a budget of 500 million VND (19,642 USD), the district’s Division for Ethnic Minority Affairs organised 13 conferences on reducing child marriage and consanguineous marriage in different areas.

In 2023, the district received 64 billion VND to implement 41 infrastructure works. By the end of the year, the construction and capital disbursement of 19 works had been completed, while the remaining eight projects are being sped up.

As part of efforts to implement the national target programme on boosting the socio-economic development of ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas, the Lac Son People’s Committee has issued a decision approving a list of projects and works to be invested in the 2024-2025 period, while choosing design consulting units and conducting direct surveys at construction sites. Currently, all 67 works in the list have had their site surveys completed.

At the same time, the locality has focused on maintaining political security, social safety and order in ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas as well as improving locals’ living conditions by expanding production and reducing poverty.

Quach Tuan Phong, Director of the Lac Son Division for Ethnic Minority Affairs said that ethnic minority-related programmes and policies have shown positive effects, contributing to improving the material and spiritual life of ethnic minority communities. In the first four months of this year, the district recorded no illegal migration cases, he said, adding that in the rest of the year, the locality will continue to speed up the progress of projects and sub-projects of the national target programme on boosting the socio-economic development of ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas for the 2021-2025 period as well as plans for 2023 and 2024.

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