A delegation of Hoa Binh province on June 2 paid a courtesy visit to authorities of Huaphane province of Laos. The delegation included Nguyen Phi Long, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee; Bui Tien Luc, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee in Hoa Binh province; Bui Van Thang, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Council; and Nguyen Van Chuong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee.

Photo: Nguyen Phi Long, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, presents a gift to Huaphane province.

Long briefed the Lao side on Hoa Binh’s socio-economic development, and highlighted the unique Vietnam-Laos relationship.

Hoa Binh is home to two special relic sites associated with Laos, one where the second preparatory congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party took place, and the other where the Panthet Radio Station was once located.

The official pledged to provide maximum support and urged local competent agencies to soon complete the project on building the relic site associated with the second preparatory congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party.

The visit was within the programme for the inauguration of the Hua Muong district High School in Huaphane. It was expected to contribute to cultivating and strengthening cooperation and comprehensive relationship between two localities and countries.

Huaphane’s Governor Khampheng Saysompheng thanked the Vietnamese Government for its attention and support to Laos, and highlighted Hoa Binh’s assistance in education-training.

The official noted his hope for more support from Hoa Binh to Huaphane’s socio-economic development.

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