A working group of the sub-committee in charge of documents for the 14th National Party Congress led by Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the committee’s Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia worked with the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board on June 18.

Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the committee’s Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia at the working session with the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board.

Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Bui Van Khanh reported the province’s implementation of the Party's Doi Moi (renewal) policy in the last 40 years, its socio-economic development tasks set at the 13th Party Congress and activities in buildingand rectifying thePartyandpolitical system.

At the working session, participants evaluated, analysed and clarified the province’s limitations and inadequacies in the past 40 years of implementing Doi moi (Renewal) policy. The labour productivity and per capita income in the province are still low compared to the national average; the wealth gap in the province is quite clear between population classes; profound social difference remains between rural and urban areas, among occupational groups and groups of people with different incomes; culture has not received adequate attention; and there are obstacles in mechanisms and policies. They also discussed solutions to promote the work of building and rectifying the Party and political system in the coming time.

The province asked for mechanisms to select, evaluate, and improve the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees; breakthrough policies in human resources planning and attracting talented people, and at the same time propose that public investment policy be improved, funding for transport infrastructure investment be prioritised and more investment in agriculture and rural areas.

Concluding the working session, standing member of the subcommittee Nguyen Trong Nghia acknowledged and highly appreciated the efforts of the Party Committee and people of Hoa Binh province in implementing the Dôi Moi policy and the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress.

He also pointed out the province’s limitations and made suggestions to the locality to improve its Party building and rectifying work, strengthen institutional reform, administrative reform, improve provincial competitiveness, boost cultural development, with a focus on preserving and promoting the cultures of ethnic groups, especially the Muong ethnic group and Hoa Binh culture.

He asked the province to give more attention to human resources development, especially high-quality human resources. The province was urged to focus on the application and development of science - technology and innovation to create motivation for realising the goal that by 2030, Hoa Binh will become a well-developed province in the Northern midlands and mountainous areas.

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