From focusing on Party building associated with inspection and supervision, the Party organisation of Da Bac town (Da Bac district) has improved the Party's leadership capacity in carrying out political and socio-economic development tasks.

 The standing member of Da Bac town’s Party Committee reviews and evaluates the implementation of the Party's inspection and supervision work.

Permanent Vice Secretary of the town Party Committee Ban Van Binh said that the Party organisation has 17 cells with 625 Party members. The Party Committee's Inspection Commission has done a good job of advising the Party Committee on inspection and supervision, proactively building programmes and plans related to this work, organising inspections and supervisions in accordance with programmes and plans. Through this work, shortcomings and limitations of the Party cells have been promptly detected and addressed.

The Party Committee has thoroughly grasped and seriously implemented resolutions on Party building and rectification, assigned specific tasks to its members in charge of village and hamlet cells, and paid attention to assessment of officials and Party members. It has stepped up inspection and supervision in the Party organisation on compliance with operating regimes, working regulations, procedures, content of Party cell activities, and criteria for evaluating the quality of these activities. Criticism and self-criticism within the Party have been carried out in accordance with regulations. Most officials and Party members have promoted their pioneering and exemplary role in complying with the Party's policies and the State’s laws, and are important nuclei in bringing all-level Party Congress Resolutions to life. Key leading officials have better promoted their roles and capabilities, and promptly grasped the thoughts and aspirations of officials, Party members and people. In addition, the town Party Committee has well implemented the policy of the party cell secretary being simultaneously the village head or the head of the residential area.

In recent years, the town’s Party organisation has always fulfilled its political tasks well; the leadership, direction and administration capacity of the local Party Committees and authorities has been significantly improved; and key tasks such as reform administration, security and order maintenance, civilised urban area building, and socio-economic development have achieved positive results. In 2023, the Party organisation successfully completed its tasks, including 12 targets exceeding the assigned resolution. Annual average income reached 50.25 million VND (1,974 USD) per person.

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