Under the torrential rain in a July afternoon, the heart of an excellent leader, a kind man with great personality loved by the people stopped beating. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, with 80 years of age, nearly 57 years of Party membership, 14 years as General Secretary, more than two years as State President, more than five years as Chairman of the National Assembly, made many great and important contributions to the revolutionary cause of the Party and nation, especially in the work of innovation, building and protecting the Fatherland.

People of Hoa Binh ethnic groups welcome Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in 2017.

Hoa Binh had the honour to welcome the Party chief three times. Every locality, agency, company, family, wounded soldier, and war veteran that the Party chief visited has maintained warm sentiments towards the leader.

Right in his first year as Party leader in 2011, General Secretary Trong paid a visit to Hoa Binh in November. His first destination was Da Bac - the poorest mountainous district of Hoa Binh. He visited Toan Son commune where he paid great attention to caring for ethnic minority communities.

In Cau hamlet, Bac Son commune (Hung Son commune now) of Kim Boi district, the Party chief, in his dark old coat, shook hands, talked to, and visited elderly persons and children in the locality, encouraging locals to support one another in implementing patriotic movements, poverty reduction, and maintaining and promoting their ethnic group’s cultural identity.

On the occasion of the 81st founding anniversary of the Vietnam Front for United Nation, now the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Party General Secretary Trong presented gifts to the Party Committee and administration of the commune and five local policy beneficiary families, and planted a tree at the commune’s cultural house.

Thirteen years have passed but the people of Cau hamlet today still keep the emotions of the day they met their beloved leader.

Showing his grief at the Party chief’s passing, Bui Duc Gian, an wounded soldier in Cau hamlet, said he still clearly remembers General Secretary's affectionate handshake when the leader encouraged him to try hard as wounded soldiers are disabled but not doomed. The leader was like a father, an uncle and a brother in the family, said Gian.

In Luy Hai hamlet, Phong Phu commune of Tan Lac district, where General Secretary Trong visited in 2017, locals could not help showing their sadness at the leader’s passing.

Dinh Van Long, a local, often hold with pride a photo that the Party General Secretary took with his family. Many villagers also came to Long’s house to share their memories of the leader.

Bui Van Bot, who served as Secretary of the Party Committee of Phong Phu in 2017, said that Party General Secretary Trong’s visit was like a festival for all residents of not only the commune but also nearby localities. In the memory of villagers, Party General Secretary Trong is a simple and agile person. He gave the local Party Committee and administration specific directions to improve the material and spiritual life of local residents, which have led to many achievements in the locality, an attractive community-based tourism site today.

During this visit, the Party chief also visited Cao Phong and local orange farmers. Working with provincial leader on May 15, 2017, the Party chief reminded Hoa Binh to promote all potential and advantages to get out of poverty and become a locality with relative high growth in the region.

The third and also the last visit to Hoa Binh by the Party chief was on March 22, 2022 when he was 78. It was a great encouragement for officials, Party members and people of Hoa Binh after two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At R Technical Research Vietnam Co., Ltd., a Japanese-invested company in the Da River’s left bank industrial park in Hoa Binh city, Party General Secretary Trong extended his regards to workers and reminded the firm to take a good care to workers’ living conditions.

Duong Thi Chinh, Vice Director of the company, said that it was a special event and a milestone of the firm when a Party and State leader toured the production chain and visited resident of workers, exploring their difficulties.

"We were truly touched and felt a sense of familiarity and love of the Party chief. The attention, advice, encouragement, and sharing of the General Secretary was a great source of encouragement for workers and employers, contributing more to the local budget,” stated Chinh.

After visiting the company, Party General Secretary Trong had a working session with provincial leaders, during which he expressed his delight at the progress of Hoa Binh, and reminded the localilty to maintain a pure and strong Party organisation and political system, while promoting its cultural identity.

In every place the General Secretary visited, the administrations and people always cherish the images, memorabilia, and gifts from the beloved leader. Officials and people of Hoa Binh province have always maintained good feelings, respect, and trust for the country's top leader who led the country to today’s great fortune, potential, and international position, and prestige.

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