In recent years, Phuong Lam ward’s Party Committee in Hoa Binh city has focused on building the Party and political system, emphasising roles of cadres and Party members in achieving local political goals. These individuals serve as essential links, popularising the Party's policies and translating resolutions into practical actions within the community.

Cadres, Party members of Phuong Lam ward, Hoa Binh city, discuss measures to strengthen leadership in the locality.

Nguyen Xuan Chien, Secretary of Cell 8, has exemplified roles of connecting local authorities with the public. He has followed the ward Party Committee's directives closely, ensuring regular activities and performance evaluations for the Party cell and its members. Under his guidance, the cell has consistently led in promoting new lifestyle movements, urban civilisation, safe, and exemplary residential areas.

Nguyen Van Qua, Secretary of Cell 9, has innovated Party cell meetings by incorporating information technology, using slides to present current political and socio-economic developments. This approach has made meetings more engaging. Qua has also worked with local authorities and organisations to build a model cultural house in the city, a project worth 800 million VND (32,000 USD), enhancing the cultural and spiritual life in the community.

Nguyen Truong Son, Secretary of Cell 19, has been actively involved in mobilising residents to improve urban landscapes, contributing to the creation of green, clean, and beautiful pedestrian streets.
Phan Cong Binh, Deputy Secretary of the Phuong Lam ward Party Committee, highlighted the ward's strategic location in the heart of the city, which faces rapid urbanisation. This growth has brought challenges in urban management, land use, and maintaining security and order. The ward Party Committee, with 25 subordinate cells and 1,005 Party members, including 1,433 members in 18 groups under the Central Committee's Directive 213, plays a crucial role in these efforts. Each residential area, unit, and school in the ward is placed under the leadership of a Party cell, ensuring comprehensive management and guidance.

The ward has been a model in implementing Resolution No. 03 of the city’s Party Committee, which emphasises exemplary roles of cadres and Party members in urban management. All Party members have committed to upholding these standards. The Party Committee has directed Party cells and residential areas to promote legal compliance and urban civilised lifestyles. These principles are key criteria in evaluating Party members and determining cultural family status annually.
There have been significant improvements in land management and urban order. The ward has successfully mobilised social contributions for various infrastructure projects, including sidewalk and road renovations, the installation of public loudspeakers, and the beautification of key streets with new lighting and decorative elements.

These projects, funded by both government and community contributions, have enhanced the ward's urban landscape and connected key areas, such as Cu Chinh Lan street and the pedestrian street network.

The ward Party Committee and People's Committee have conducted six inspections to ensure the effective implementation of Resolution No. 03. The inspections revealed that Party cells have adhered to the resolution, with members demonstrating compliance and dedication.

Through active engagements of cadres and Party members, the ward has become a model for maintaining public order, developing self-managed fire prevention teams, and building an administration that truly serves its people.

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