The northern province of Hoa Binh has carried out many synchronous solutions to implement the Politburo’s directive on promoting the studying and following of President Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and lifestyle. During the implementation, the province has recorded outstanding exemplary individuals.

 Principal of Bac Son kindergarten in Kim Boi district Bui Thi Hue mobilises resources to improve the school’s playground.

Located in a remote area of Kim Boi district, Bac Son kindergarten in Hung Son commune has faced many difficulties, particularly 30% of its students are from poor and near-poor households. The school's principal Bui Thi Hue has been concerned much about how to help her students.

On the occasion of Lunar New Year 2024, she and the school's organisations raised funds to give gifts worth 500,000 VND each to ten students and two teachers who are in difficult circumstances.

On the occasion of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27), the school called on people and organisations to visit and give gifts to families of war invalids and martyrs in the locality.


Hue said that she always encourages the school’s staff and Party members to take part in charity activities to support children, the elderly, the poor or natural disaster-hit people. She also proactively consulted and sought the support of parents and local authorities to repair and renovate the school’s facilities such as playgrounds, flower gardens, or ornamental plants.

Vice Secretary of the Party Cell and head of Dung hamlet Bui Van Trung is another exemplary individual in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s example in Hoa Binh province.


Promoting the pioneering spirit of Party members, in 2023, his family donated over 200 sq.m of land to build an inter-field road. He also convinced other households in his hamlet to donate a total area of 7,656 sq.m of land and hundreds of large and small trees.People also donated 356 working days to build the roads.

Last year, with the efforts of the people and support resources from administrations at all levels, the hamlet built a new, spacious cultural house.

Seeing that vegetables and fruits that local people grow are often affected by pests and diseases, and local farmers are often forced to sell their products at low prices, Trung boldly established the Clean Vegetable and Fruit Production Group in his hamlet.


He called on local farmers to change crops, and apply science and technology to production. He also actively finds productive varieties of vegetables and fruits that are suitable for local natural conditions.

Trung is also one of eight outstanding individuals awarded the certificate of merit by the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee for his studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and lifestyle in the 2021 – 2023 period.


Across the province, there are many exemplary models in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s example.

In the 2021 – 2023 period, the province has 1,838 models, of whom 606 are typical advanced models. Studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style continues to create a strong change in the awareness of cultivating, training and improving revolutionary ethics; repelling the degradation of political ideology, morality and lifestyle among cadres, Party members, civil servants, public employees, union members, youths and students.

Studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s example also contributes to promoting patriotic emulation movements in all areas, gradually successfully implementing the goals and tasks set out in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress.


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