(HBO) – A delegation of Hoa Binh provincial authorities led by Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Bui Van Cuu has visited and presented gifts to officials and residents in the former Muong Khoi revolutionary base in An Nghia commune, Lac Son district, ahead of the 72nd National Day (September 2, 1945).

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Bui Van Cuu visits an exhibition hall where historical relics of the Muong Khoi relic site are on show.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Bui Van Cuu presents gifts to officials and people of An Nghia commune, Lac Son district.

After offering incense at the war memorial and visiting the exhibition hall of the Muong Khoi relic site, the delegation had a meeting with local officials and people.

In the past, the Muong Khoi revolutionary base covered Hoai An and Hieu Nghia communes and was a gateway to the northwestern region. In July 1945, the Party Committee of the northern region opened a training course for military officers in Lothamlet to prepare for the General Uprising one month later. In August that year, An Nghia people waged a fight against the French colonialists and the feudal regime and joined forces from other revolutionary bases to seize power.

At the meeting, Vice Chairman Cuu hailed the outcomes and achievements that the administration and people in An Nghia commune have obtained during economic development, poverty elimination and defence-security maintenance.

He voiced his hope that local officials and residents will uphold the revolutionary tradition to fulfill the set targets in the national target programme on building new-style rural areas. He urged An Nghia commune to capitalize on the local advantages in terms of natural conditions and tourism potential of Muong Khoi relic in the time ahead.

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