HBO – A cooperation agreement on implementing programmes/projects funded by World Vision Vietnam (WVV) in Hoa Binh province from 2017 – 2022 was signed on September 10 between the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh province and World Vision Vietnam.

The document was inked by Nguyen Van Chuong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, and Tran Thi Thu Huyen, National Director of World Vision Vietnam.

Nguyen Van Chuong, Vice Chairman of the Hoa Binh People’s Committee, and Tran Thi Thu Huyen, National Director of World Vision Vietnam, sign the cooperation agreement.

World Vision Vietnamhas implemented numerous projects in Hoa Binh province since 2009, aiming to help locals, have more opportunities to address shortcomings on knowledge, skills, capital resources and management towards sustainable welfare for children.

Currently, World Vision Vietnamassists three regional development programmes in Yen Thuy, Mai Chau and Lac Son with total aid commitments of 6,121,308 USD.

Under the 2017-2022 cooperation agreement, World Vision Vietnam agrees to join hands with the provincial People’s Committee to set up and implement regional programmes, and promote cooperation with sectors to ensure regional programmes’ activities will provide best support possible for the implementation of local socio-economic development plans. The organisation will seek different resources for the regional programmes.

The provincial People’s Committee will approve WVV-funded programmes/projects, and instruct relevant sectors, bodies, and districts to work closely with the organisation in implementing the programmes/projects.

Hoa Binh will also assist the organisation with necessary administrative procedures, including tax and and VAT exemption in accordance with the Vietnamese government’s regulations.

The two sides also committed to implementing regional programmes according to regulations on aid of non-foreign governmental organisations in Vietnam.

The total estimated funding for the three regional programmes in Lac Son, Mai Chau and Yen Thuy is over 4.8 million USD.

The agreement is carried out from October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2022.


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