(HBO) - Bui Van Tinh, member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee of Hoa Binh province, has recently held a meeting with the provincial Public Security Party Committee, where they reviewed the force’s performances in the first nine months of 2017.

Party Secretary of the Party Committee of Hoa Binh province Bui Van Tinh concludes the meeting.

 In the first nine months of this year, the provincial Public Security’s Party Committee has directed the implementation of policies of the Party, State and province on ensuring social security. It has promptly resolved pressing security issues in order to prevent the rise of "hot spots” and ensured security of local key projects and leaders’ activities.

The rate of solved crimes accounted for 82.6 percent, while all serious criminal offences were addressed. The province police discovered 108 drug-trafficking cases, arrested 143 suspects and seized 35 heroin cakes and 7,500 methamphetamine pills.

 It has also detected 181 cases of illegal gambling, capturing 638 gamblers and 295.13 million VND; and tackled five prostitution cases with 19 prostitutes during the period.

 In addition, the province’s police force has worked with relevant authorities to capture a prisoner who had escaped from the jail.

 The number of traffic accidents, dead and injured persons declined compared to the same period last year.

 The police have also performed well in public administration and administrative reform, building the Party and its force, maintaining order and discipline and successfully carried out a campaign to call on people involve in protecting national security.

 Some 186 orgnisations and 403 individuals of the provincial police were commended and rewarded.

 Concluding the meeting, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Bui Van Tinh highlighted the police’s key tasks for the next period. The police should consistently fight hostile forces and promptly update people on new civil criminal tricks, especially theft and assaults.

 It must also prevent drug trafficking and "black credit”; and intensify operations against environmental crimes, especially in the fields of mining, cassava processing, sugar manufacturing and paper making, Tinh said.

 The police were asked to continue supporting the province’s efforts to build Hang Kia and Pa Co communes into tourist destinations; and to well manage its personnel and effectively implement its Party building work.


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