HBO – The Farmers’ Association of Hoa Binh province held a conference to honour outstanding farmers in the province in 2017. The event was attended by Hoang Van Tu, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; representatives from the Vietnam Farmers’ Association Central Committee, provincial departments, sectors, and farmers’ associations at all levels.

Delegates congratulate 50 outstanding farmers in 2017 honoured on this occasion.

The conference honoured and awarded certification of the title "Outstanding farmers of Hoa Binh province in 2017” to 50 exellent farmers from 11 districts. They are the provincial association’s members with the most typical achievements in responding emulation movements launched by the Farmers’ Association. The role models who represent tens of thousands of farmers in Hoa Binh have exerted efforts to overcome difficulties, and work hard and live responsibly in the community, thus contributing to building new-style rural areas.

Through carrying out effective economic development models, the honoured farmers have proven their capability and skills in applying science and technology in production, thus fully exploring local potential and creating sustainable values.

Together with efforts in the emulation of well performance in business and production, they have promoted solidarity by offering help to other farmers to escape poverty and get rich. Their contributions have been got applause, and became impetus for the Farmers’ Association at all levels to implement successfully their emulation movements, contributing to local socio-economic development.

Hoang Van Tu, Vice Chairman of the Hoa Binh Provincial People's Council, presented the laurel wreaths and certification of the title "Outstanding farmers of Hoa Binh province in 2017"to excellent farmers from Lac Son, Mai Chau, Tan Lac and Da Bac districts.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman Tu congratulated the 50 excellent farmers honoured this year, and affirmed that they are the most typical examples of the wisdom and solidarity strength of the farmer class in the new-style rural area building cause of the province.

He expressed his belief that with the glorious tradition of Hoa Binh farmers, the provincial Farmers’ Association at all levels and farmers will continue attaining more achievements in production, contributing to the successful implementation of agricultural and rural industrialisation, modernisation, whereby building the more beautiful and rich homeland.

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