Recently, to concretize the movement to join hands in building new rural areas, all levels of the Women's Union in Da Bac district have implemented many practical movements and activities. Thereby, it has been contributing to changing the face of the rural areas, positively contributing to the socio-economic development and improving the people's lives.

The women in Sung hamlet, Cao Son commune (Da Bac) have been preserving and developing the traditional brocade weaving.

The National Target Program to build new rural areas is a major program of the Party and State, which has many contents and comprehensiveness to change the face of the homeland and improve the people's lives, including women. Therefore, the Women's Union of Da Bac district has actively responded recently. The propaganda work to raise the awareness of the officials, the women's members and the people about the guidelines, the policies and the methods of conducting activities to participate in building new rural areas is a regular and priority activity of the unions at all levels and it has been deployed in many forms. As a result of this, the women have better understood the purpose, meaning, and content of the movement, serving as a driving force to create a vibrant competitive atmosphere.

Implementing the campaign "Building a 5-no, 3-clean family” associated with building new rural areas and civilized urban areas, the union’s facilities have been actively mobilizing and supporting the households to achieve the criteria of "a 5-no, 3-clean family", "a 5-yes and 3-clean family”. During the year, 85 households have been supported to achieve the criterion of "a 5-yes and 3-clean family”, making the total number of households meeting 8 criteria of the campaign to over 7,130 households. To continue maintaining "the green - clean – beautiful Saturday”, the union’s facilities have organized 17 general cleaning campaigns. Thereby, the women in the areas have cleaned, dredged and repaired over 28 km of the village roads, the canals, the inter-village and inter-hamlet roads; Contributed 560 workers to clean women's self-managed routes; At the same time, they have planted the flower routes with a total length of 1,780m.

In promoting the gender equality and preventing the domestic violence, every year, the Women's Union of Da Bac district coordinates with the Provincial Women's Union and the relevant departments and divisions of the district to propagate the Law on Marriage and Family; disseminating the law and the legal aid, preventing the child marriage and consanguineous marriage, preventing and responding to gender violence. In parallel with the propaganda work, since the beginning of the year, 66 communication groups, 13 safe addresses, and 13 clubs of "Leaders of Change” have been established and maintained at the union’s facilities. Additionally, there have been 64 community communication sessions on eliminating prejudice and gender stereotypes, and building safety models for the women and the children.

Along with that, the activities supporting women to develop economy, increase income, and sustainably reduce poverty are of interest to all levels of the District’s Women's Union. The unions at all levels have effectively organized and implemented the movements "Women doing good at business”, "Helping the poor women have an address” associated with the specific standards and methods. During the year, 119 households of the women member have been helped to escape the poor and near-poor households.

Ms.Tran Kieu Oanh, Chairwoman of the Women's Union of Da Bac district, says: With the actions consistent with the thoughts and aspirations of the women members, the district’s Women's Union has been creating positive changes in the awareness and behavior, enhancing the responsibility of the officials and the members in building the new rural areas. In order to contribute to the locality in gradually shortening the roadmap to reaching the destination of the new rural areas, in the coming time, the Union will continue promoting the propaganda activities to raise the awareness and responsibility of the officials and the women members with the same determination to maintain and improve the criteria of the new rural areas; Establishing the clubs on the economic development and social work so that the women have a place to share, chat, and confide in all areas of life...

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