Severe weather conditions on the last days of May has affected agricultural production in Hoa Binh province. In order to minimise the impact of extreme weather on rice yields, local farmers have mobilised human resources to harvest ripe paddy.

Farmers in Thong Nhat commune, Lac Thuy district, harvest paddy in the field.

According to Lac Thuy district’s Division of Agriculture and Rural Development, as of the end of May 2024, the district has harvested over 1,200 hectares of paddy, reaching over 76% of the plan. The total production of food grains reached nearly 15,800 tonnes.

Along with Lac Thuy, districts and Hoa Binh city are accelerating the progress of harvesting. So far, the province has harvested over 3,990 hectares of the spring paddy crop.

In the spring crop of 2024, the province has cultivated nearly 16,000 hectares of paddy, 15,500 hectares of corn, nearly 1,300 hectares of sweet potatoes, 6,300 hectares of vegetables and beans of all kinds. Districts and Hoa Binh city have directed specialised divisions to closely work with farmers to accelerate the harvest of the spring paddy crop.

In order to minimise damage due to unfavorable weather conditions for crops, the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has issued a document directing the production of winter-spring crops in 2023 - 2024 and implementing the production plan for summer-autumn crops and crops in 2024.

Accordingly, for the areas of spring paddy being harvested, localities should allocate maximum human resources and machines to urgently harvest quickly and compactly, avoiding damage due to rains accompanied by whirlwinds. On the harvested areas, plow cages are deployed to bury the residues early, combined with the treatment of biological products to quickly decompose the residues, limit organic poisoning and pests and diseases in the next crop.

For rice production in the 2024 season, localities have been asked to give priority to varieties with short growing time, high yield and decent quality. Each locality should choose from 2-3 main paddy varieties and cultivate centrally by area to facilitate the care and control of pests and diseases.

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