The Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board organised a conference on June 11 to announce the decision to establish a steering committee for implementing the project on preserving and promoting values of the Muong ethnic group’s culture and the Hoa Binh Civilisation in the 2023 - 2030 period. Following that, the first meeting of this steering committee also took place. Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and head of the steering committee, chaired the events.

 Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, speaks at the conference.

The provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism reported that a meeting was held on January 17 to disseminate the project. The department has coordinated with the Hoa Binh Newspaper and the province’s Radio and Television Station to boost communications about the scheme’s targets and focal tasks, along with the values of the Muong culture and the Hoa Binh Civilisation. Departments, sectors, and the 10 district-level localities have also built and issued their implementation plans.

At the meeting, the provincial Party Committee’s organisation board announced the decision to establish the steering committee for project implementation. Accordingly, the Secretary of the provincial Party Committee acts as head of this steering committee, a Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and the chairperson of the provincial People’s Committee as standing deputy heads, another Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and the chairperson of the provincial People’s Council as deputy heads, and leaders of departments and sectors as members.

Participants gave opinions about the working rules and tasks for members of the steering committee. They also proposed an advisory group and an assistant group for the committee be set up.

In his remarks, Nguyen Phi Long, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and head of the steering committee, said under the Government and province’s directions, the project on preserving and promoting the values of the Muong ethnic culture and the Hoa Binh Civilisation in the 2023 - 2030 period has been carried out methodologically. The establishment of the steering committee is important to carrying out concrete tasks.

He underlined the viewpoint that upholding cultural values is to serve tourism development, people are the main stakeholders in cultural value preservation and promotion, the preservation and promotion of good values must be carried out at the same time with eradicating backward customs, and the values of the Muong culture and the Hoa Binh Civilisation should be turned into development resources.

The official affirmed that preserving and promoting cultural values are a long-term task, so members of the steering committee, sectors, and localities need to build detailed implementation plans. The advisory group needs to include people with profound knowledge and rich experience from central agencies and localities, artisans, along with prestigious persons. Besides, it is necessary to devise appropriate mechanisms and policies for implementing the project.


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