A delegation led by Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, paid a working visit to Mien Doi commune, Lac Son district, on June 13. joining the working delegation were Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Dinh Cong Su and leaders of some departments and agencies, among others.

Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, and the working delegation survey some tourist sites in Mien Doi commune (Lac Son).

Mien Doi commune is a extremely difficult commune which is over 20km far from the district centre. The commune’s socio-economy has recorded significant changes over the past years. Currently, agro-forestry-fishery accounts for 44% of its economy while industry and handicrafts amd trade-service make up 27% and 29%, respectively. By the end of this year, the average per capital income is expected to reach 41 million VND (1,610 USD) a year. The commune has met 13 out of 19 criteria on new-rural building. The rate of households using hygienic water for domestic use reached 98%, while the rate of children in the school age reaching 100%.

At the meeting, Mien Doi commune proposed the provincial authority to build a road which connects the commune with Thach Yen commune, Cao Phong district to facilitate transport and exchange goods between the two districts for socio-economic development and issue a policy to attract investors with potential in tourism and promoting tourism in the locality.

Attention should be paid to investing in facilities for its headquarters, schools and medical stations in the locality.

Long praised socio-economic development of Mien Doi commune. Regarding tasks for the coming time, he asked the commune to continue to pay attention to Party building, focus on directing the preparation of the communal Party Congress, set forth tasks and solutions in the new term and identify breakthrough orientations in socio-economic development with people-centred approach.

He suggested local authority to concentrate on developing agriculture and household economy, maintaining economic development models with specialty products, devise planning and expand community-based tourism products.

Long requested Lac Son district coordinate with relevant agencies to roll out specific solutions to preserve and exploit natural landscapes, and organise Mien Doi Terraced Field Festival to promote potential, tourism, and attract investment for socio-economic development.

The project on promoting Muong ethnic cultural heritage should be properly carried out along with preserving the traditional culture, daily life and production of the Muong people, improving people's livelihoods and paying attention to health and education development, he added.

Previously, Long and the working delegation visited and gave gifts to households whose members are meritorious services to the revolution and social policy beneficiary ones in the commune.

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