On July 22th, the Provincial People's Committee held a conference to evaluate the results of tourism development in the first six months of the year and to implement key tasks for the last six months of 2024. Mr. Nguyen Van Toan, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and Head of the Provincial Tourism Steering Committee, chaired the conference.

Mr.Nguyen Van Toan, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, was making a speech to conclude the conference.

In the first six months of the year, the resolutions, the plans, programs, the projects, and development plans for tourism from the central and local levels have been actively implemented by the members of the Provincial Tourism Steering Committee. The general planning for constructing the functional areas and subdividing zones has been gradually deployed, particularly the sub-zoning plans for the tourism area within Hoa Binh Lake. The efforts in developing tourism products, training the human resources, and the environmental protection were emphasized. Additionally, cooperation in tourism development and the promotion of tourism has been intensified.

In the first six months, the province welcomed nearly 2,890,000 turns of visitors, increasing 12.9% compared to that of the same period, achieving 69% of the annual plan. Of these, there were nearly 291,500 turns of international visitors, reaching 58.3% of the plan. The total revenue from tourism reached 2,928 billion VND, increasing 32.8% compared to that of the same period, achieving 63.7% of the annual plan.

The representatives from various sectors and the localities discussed the difficulties and obstacles they encountered during the implementation of tourism investment projects and the management of the spontaneously emerging tourism spots in the area.

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