In recent years, Yen Thuy district has stepped up communications to encourage emulation movements, introduce "good persons, good deeds”, and discover, nurture and expand exemplary models, new factors, and creative and effective methods in the local community and society, thereby bolstering patriotic emulation and contributing to local socio-economic development.

 Bui Thi Chien (first, left) in Men Lien Ket hamlet of Doan Ket commune, Yen Thuy district, is an exemplar of donating land to road construction and new-style countryside development.

The family of Bui Thi Chien in Men Lien Ket hamlet is an exemplar of donating land to road construction and new-style countryside development. Chien said she is a member of the Men Lien Ket farmers’ union. Though her family is not rich, in response to a land donation movement launched by the Party organisation and administration of Doan Ket commune, her family voluntarily donated 200 sq.m of residential land worth about 300 million VND (over 11,800 USD) to serve road construction in 2023. She shared that she thought donating land to road construction is also meant to beautify her family’s living place and create a favourable condition for locals to travel, transport goods, and develop livelihoods.

Besides, Chien has joined hands with the local administration to persuade 26 other households to donate land with a total area of more than 1,600 sq.m. of both farm and residential land. Their land donations have helped complete local concrete roads, thus contributing to the building of new-style rural areas.

Chien is one of the five exemplars of Yen Thuy district recognised as provincial-level role models by the chairperson of the provincial People’s Committee. The four others include Bui Van Nien in Roc hamlet, Huu Loi commune, who donated 2,409 sq.m of farmland to road construction worth about 130 million VND; Bui Van Linh in Luong Cao commune, Lac Luong commune, who donated over 450 sq.m of residential land worth some 180 million VND to road construction; Bui Van Chung in Hop Ly hamlet, Bao Hieu commune, who donated over 2,242 sq.m of land under industrial trees worth 200 million VND to road and kindergarten construction.

On February 27 this year, the People’s Committee of Yen Thuy district decided to recognise 11 collectives and 14 individuals as grassroots-level role models in 2024.

Bui Van Hai, Chairman of the Yen Thuy People’s Committee, said in the coming time, the district will increase introducing and expanding role models, enhance coordination between the agency in charge of emulation and reward affairs and media outlets from district to grassroots levels, and boost the dissemination of President Ho Chi Minh’s thought on patriotic emulation as well as the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws on emulation and commendation. It will discover and honour exemplars of emulation movements in all social aspects in a timely manner. Besides, workers, farmers, collectives, and individuals with outstanding achievements will also be honoured to encourage all people to participate in emulation campaigns.

Yen Thuy will also push ahead with effectively implementing the emulation movements launched by the Prime Minister, including "The whole country make joint efforts to build new-style rural areas”, "For the poor - Leaving no one behind”, "Vietnamese enterprises integrate and develop”, and "Cadres, civil servants, and public employees emulate in practicing the workplace culture”. Additionally, the district will keep implementing emulation movements in connection with local socio-economic development and defence - security tasks and targets, according to the official.

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