According to the Office of the People’s Committee of Hoa Binh province, Hoa Binh ranked first among the 63 localities across the nation in processing administrative requests online in July by recording 83.08 out of the 100 points, leaping three places from June. The ranking was based on the ratings in the National Public Service Portal at

 Since July 1, 2024, the Police Office for Administrative Management of Social Order has enhanced the service quality in receiving dossiers for issuing ID cards following the new ID Law.

Specifically, the locality scored 15.7 out of the total of 18 points in openness and transparent criteria. The province harmonised 17,675 dossiers on the National Public Service Portal.

At the same time, Hoa Binh recorded 18.7 out of the total of 20 points in terms of dossier processing progress, up 0.1 points over June. Meanwhile, its scores in public service provision procedures reached 7.9 out of the 12 points, an increase of 0.4 points compared to June. The rate of online application submission in Hoa Binh reached 67.54% in July.

Hoa Binh processed 99.3% of public service requests on time. It earned 9 out of the 10 points in online payment. The rate of administrative procedures requiring financial obligations provided on the National Public Service Portal was 352, reaching 87.56%. Online payment was applied for 13,392 dossiers, reaching 86.76% of the total number of dossiers.

Particularly, Hoa Binh scored 18 out of the 18 points in the level of satisfaction, maintaining the result in June. Its scores in digitalising dossiers were 13.8 out of the 22 points, up 0.2 points compared to June.

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