Recently, Hoa Binh Power Company (PC Hoa Binh) has directed its affiliated units to make substantial efforts to achieve production and business targets. In addition, the company has intensified the deployment of various electrical services to better serve its customers.

The company's employees check transformer stations to promptly fix problems and ensure stable and safe power supply.


Tran Thi Ut, head of the Business Department at PC Hoa Binh, stated the company offers a range of electrical services to customers, including design consultancy, electrical testing; installation and repair of behind-the-meter wires; electrical repairs, grid operation and management, acceptance of customer electrical networks; electrical project connection, and electrical construction.

The company determines that improving quality and effectiveness of electrical services is crucial to ensuring customer satisfaction and peace of mind. To proactively deliver services to customers, the affiliated units have worked with each customer who owns power lines and transformer stations (TBS), she added.

Bui Dac Thao, Director of Hoa Binh city's Power Company, emphasised that customer care in electrical services is a top priority of the company. Every month, the company performs regular inspections of power lines and TBS, including nighttime inspections using PD meters, thermal cameras, thermal guns, and ammeters. In the quarter-end months, the company will clean TBS for customers and also clean transformers during regular testing.

Thao cited that this approach has allowed the company to promptly fix problems, reduce deficiencies, and minimise incidents that could damage customer property. It also helps the company operate the electrical grid in the region safely and stably, enhancing the reliability of power supply.

According to PC Hoa Binh, in the first six months of 2024, the company effectively implemented numerous electrical services to serve customers. This included the examination of 65 TBS; 42 contracts for testing equipment out of the inspection and testing list.

Additionally, it connected the systems of 2,419 new customers to the low-voltage grid and signed 35 new management and operation contracts. Furthermore, PC Hoa Binh completed the acceptance of 27 electrical projects, 25 hotline construction contracts, and nine contracts for small repairs and replacements.

Ut said that in the future, the company will continue to strengthen communication and consultancy to inform customers about the benefits and advantages of participating in electrical services.

It will also continue to train staff to enhance their expertise and skills in delivering electrical services, thus fully meeting customer needs and gain increasing trust and acceptance from customers, she noted.


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