Over the years, Lac Thuy district has paid great attention to personnel development by employing many people from ethnic minority groups to work as public servants and creating optimal conditions for intellectuals to promote their talents.

 Dinh Quang Khai (centre), Vice Director of the district Culture, Sports and Communications Centre, assigns tasks to cadres of the centre.

Dinh Quang Khai, who used to work as Deputy Secretary of the district's Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, has been appointed as Vice Director of the district Culture, Sports and Communications Centre, said that he received great support from the district Party Committee and administration to take many training courses, including an advanced political theory course from August 2023 to May 2024.

In order to meet the expectation and trust from local authorities and people, he has strived for good studying performance and higher working capacity to complete all tasks assigned.

Over the recent years, the political system in Lac Thuy has paid great attention to planning, training, and appointing officials from ethnic minority groups, especially women, with specific orientations to enhance ethnic minority women's engagement in management and leading positions in the local political system.

As of June 30, the district had had 427 officials from ethnic minority groups. From the beginning of 2020 to the end of June, 2024, the locality recruited 11 ethnic minority officials.

Personnel planning and training work has also received great attention, ensuring a stable supply of officials. Particularly, the district has focused on training officials at the grassroots level, with priority to ethnic minority people in the locality.

To date, 127 officials from ethnic minority groups have been elected, appointed, and approved. At the same time, 150 people have received professional training, while 130 others have been equipped with State management knowledge, and 135 have received IT training and other skills serving their jobs.

Meanwhile, the district has made planning on 135 ethnic minority officials, including 18 officials planned for head of divisions and equivalent positions.

The proportion of ethnic minorities participating in the political system and being appointed to leadership and management positions in agencies, units and localities is increasing. Policies for ethnic minority officials have been fully and promptly implemented.

Nguyen Ngoc Van, Vice Chairwoman of the People's Committee, said that over the years, the district has worked hard to develop officials from ethnic minority groups, while adding to the planning and appointing a large number of ethnic minority officials, and providing favourable conditions for intellectuals to thrive.

This is a strong foundation for the district to continue to show better performance in the work in the future.

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