Aside from engaging in agricultural sector, there still some non-agricultural occupations that are suitable for women, especially ethnic minority women in rural areas. Based on the demand of learners, agencies and units in Yen Thuy district have implemented vocational training programmes that associate with employment opportunities and meet demand of labour market.

Ethnic minority women in Yen Thuy district work at S Life joint Stock Company. 

Bui Thi Huong, who resides at Long hamlet, Yen Tri commune, was employed by the S Life joint Stock Company after attending a training course on industrial sewing for more than two months as part of the 2023 rural labour vocational training programme organised by the Yen Thuy district Vocational Training and Continuing Education Centre. Now, she is the breadwinner in her family with an average monthly salary of over 5 million VND (about 200 USD). 

Due to having a small child, Bui Thi Nhat, a resident at Trong hamlet, Bao Hieu commune, said she has been worked at local garment establishment over the past two years. Having undergone training in sewing, it is easy for her to meet the job requirement, Nhat said, adding that sometimes they can bring work home and return the completed products the next day. Flexible work helps them feel more secure about their family while promoting their role as financially independent women, she said, noting that she earns between 3 and 5 million VND per month. 

Currently, women of working age, particularly those with young children, find it difficult to work in industrial zones in Hanoi, Bac Ninh, or Bac Giang. In Yen Thuy district, besides S Life JSC which attracts many female workers, there are others garment facilities employing 15-60 workers, with 95% being ethnic minority women. 

Bui Van Nam, head of the district's Division of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs, said that in recent years, due attention has been paid to vocational training combined with job creation for rural labourers in general, and ethnic minority women in particular. In addition to funding from three national target programmes, namely new-style rural development, socio-economic development in ethnic minority-inhabited areas and sustainable poverty reduction, the district has spent part of its budget to open short-term vocational training course, aiming at diversifying occupations and aligning with demand of the labour market. 

For young female workers, the district's Vocational Training and Continuing Education Centre has also offered training in fields that align with current trends of the society, such as beauty care, sewing, and culinary arts. A survey conducted by the centre showed that about 80% of trainees have found jobs and received certificates after completing non-agricultural vocational training courses.

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