Digital transformation in building new-style rural areas aims to gradually establish smart rural areas, enhance community activity efficiency, and contribute to making the National Target Programme on Building New-style Rural Areas more effective and sustainable. Hoa Binh province has implemented many models and programmes on digital transformation in rural areas, gradually meeting the requirements of comprehensive digital transformation.

As one of outstanding examples in the implementation of digital transformation in Lac Thuy district, Khoan Du commune has devised a plan for digital transformation in the area and set specific targets for each phase. Attention has been paid to developing digital governance to support digital economy, digital society, and digital infrastructure development; highlighting the role and responsibility of leaders and putting citizens and businesses at the centre of digital transformation efforts. Communication work to raise public awareness on the benefit and importance of digital transformation has been conducted in various forms, including the commune's loudspeaker system, village meetings and social media platforms. Notably, it has established and effectively maintained the operation of the community digital technology group (CDTG). Bui Trung Dung, head of the community digital technology group, said that since its establishment, the group has guided and assisted thousands of residents in successfully completing administrative procedures at level 3 through the public service portal.

Currently, all communes and towns in Lac Thuy district have effectively implemented digital transformation, built e-governance to serve the people, and are gradually meeting the criteria for building smart rural areas. The district has directed the establishment of 113 CDTGs, including one at the district level and 112 at the commune level. These groups are tasked with disseminating information and assisting residents in installing and using IT applications to complete administrative procedures when needed, thereby encouraging people to use online public services.

Implementing digital transformation for new rural development and aiming for smart rural areas, many localities in the province have developed creative and effective models, such as setting up free WiFi hotspots and using smart phones to manage surveillance cameras and public lighting systems. Particularly, farmers are encouraged to apply advanced scientific and technological advances in their production, from seedling input to farming and sales.

According to Hoang Van Tuan, deputy chief of the provincial coordinating office for new-style rural building, Hoa Binh has organised 8 training sessions relating to agricultural tourism, along with disseminating knowledge and enhancing digital skills and information access for local residents. These efforts have led to notable progress in developing digital governance, digital economy, and digital society, he added.

Tuan said that digital transformation is both a goal and an optimal and practical solution in implementing the New-style Rural Development Programme, improving and creating a better life for people. Therefore, alongside relevant agencies and local authorities, active participation is needed to create a change in the awareness and actions of each resident to enhance the quality and effectiveness of digital transformation activities, he noted.

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