With the attention and investment of the Party and the State, upland communes of Tan Lac district have undergone significant changes. A notable example is Resolution No. 13-NQ/TU of the Standing Board of the province’s Party Committee regarding the implementation of the project "Building upland communes in Tan Lac district into provincial-level tourist areas by 2030, with a vision to 2050."

Departments, functional agencies, and localities have devised plans to carry out the project and integrate them into the key tasks of the tourism sector and their localities. Local residents have gained greater awareness about the benefits of tourism development and the need to preserve and promote the cultural values of the Muong ethnic group to create products that serve tourism development. Three upland communes of Quyet Chien, Van Son, and Ngo Luong have begun to tap into their tourism potential and strengths with seven homestays in operation. Each year, the three communes welcome over 15,000 tourists and create jobs for around 250 workers. 

 Phong Phu commune in Tan Lac district is chosen to host the All People's Security Safeguard Festival. 

Bui Van Tinh, Chairman of Tan Lac district People's Committee, said that since the beginning of this year, despite facing difficulties, local authorities have rolled out solutions to boost economic development and secure social security in the locality. 

Currently, agriculture is still identified as a key driver in local economic development. In the first half of 2024, the district maintained a cultivation area of 8,300 ha, making up 60.6% of the yearly target. Special attention has been paid to the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Programme, maintaining and upgrading the ratings of OCOP items from previous years, and reviewing 3 potential products to submit for evaluation in 2024. Additionally, the areas under key crops such as sugarcane, vegetables, and citrus fruits continue to be expanded. The district aims to have about 500 hectares of pomelo recognised as meeting VietGAP, GlobalGAP and organic standards, or certified as satisfying food safety regulations by 2025, along with building a brand for the fruit and forming a pomelo cultivation area with the application of high technology. Implementing the National Target Programme on new-style rural area building, Tan Lac currently has 10 communes meeting 19 criteria and five meeting 11-14 criteria. 

The total value of industrial and small-scale industrial production in the first half of 2024 reached over 703 billion VND (28.5 million USD), equivalent to 50.3% of the yearly plan, up 4.4% year-on-year. The district has 67 cooperatives operating effectively with total registered capital of 131.86 billion VND. The average income per capita reached 39.5 million VND last year, and the number of poor households in line with the 2022-2025 standards declined to 9.4%. 

With comprehensive solutions, decisive leadership, and the solidarity of cadres and people, Tan Lac district continues to effectively implement the Resolution of the 14th District Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term, striving to achieve the set targets, improve the quality of life for local residents, and build it into a prosperous and beautiful area.


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