Community digital technology (CDT) teams play a crucial role in spreading digital technology and digital skills to every citizen. With the motto "go to every alley, knock from door to door, check every person," these teams are vital in the ongoing and increasingly extensive digital transformation process in the province.

Public servants in charge of cultural affairs of Hoa Binh city's Huu Nghi ward discuss digital transformation work with the community digital technology team of residential group No. 1. 

According to Dang Xuan Huong, head of Huu Nghi Ward’s residential group No 1 and deputy head of the CDT team, that the team was established in September 2022 with nine members. The team participated in training sessions, focusing on disseminating the Party's guidelines and State's policies on digital transformation to raise public awareness on the matter. Thanks to the support from the public security force, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of the ward, and cooperation from the Fatherland Front and other political-social organisations, the CDT team has been operating effectively. Over 80% of the local residents have successfully installed applications on their smartphones, while the remaining 20% are either elderly or do not use electronic devices. 

A total of 17 CDT teams have been set up in Huu Nghi ward with 121 members. Their main duties include guiding and assisting residents in using smart technology apps, digital technology, digital platforms, e-commerce, and public administrative services. They also disseminate State's policies and laws on digital transformation to local residents and take part in digital transformation in various aspects of life and contribute to building a digital government, developing the digital economy, and creating a digital society in the neighbourhoods. 

Up to 1,482 CDT teams at the hamlet-level and 151 ones at the commune-level have been established, with nearly 13,000 members. As the "extension arms” of the steering committees on digital transformation at various levels, these teams play a key role in bringing digital technology and skills to the people. The CDT teams aim to educate locals on using online public services, cashless online payments, transactions on e-commerce platforms, using Vietnamese digital platforms, and basic internet safety skills. 

To enhance the effectiveness of these teams, the Department of Information and Communications has collaborated with the National Digital Transformation Authority under the Ministry of Information and Communications to organise training programmes and provide information on digital transformation for all team members in the province. A Zalo group for the provincial CDT teams has also been formed to support their activities. 

On August 22, the provincial People's Committee issued Document No. 1416/UBND-NVK to promote the activities of CDC teams across the province. The chairman of the provincial people’s committee requested relevant departments, agencies, and district and city People's Committees to intensify communication work and implement activities to boost these teams’ operation. 

Bui Duc Nam, Director of the Department of Information and Communications, said as the advisory body on this matter, this year, it has coordinated with district and city People's Committees to organise training and dissemination programmes to update knowledge, digital skills, and network security for CDC team members. 

He went on to say that the department will work with the National Digital Transformation Authority and Lac Thuy district People's Committee to provide on-site training for CDC teams. It will urge agencies, units, and localities to carry out digital transformation models in villages and neighbourhoods associated with five basic digital skills, disseminate, and share effective and innovative models and practices in the activities of CDT teams, Nam said. 

The department will also coordinate with the Department of Home Affairs and district and city People's Committees to guide and select exemplary teams, individuals, and innovative models on digital transformation for honouring, he added.

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