In his poem "Wind and love blow in my country”, poet Luu Quang Vu wrote: "My country is like a boat sailing through strong wind/People with love find each other in the storm”. Those words have been cited repeatedly on social media these days, inspiring millions of Vietnamese people to share with and support people in the northern region affected by Typhoon Yagi.

Police, army and militia forces, together with civilians join hands to rebuild houses for typhoon victims in Suoi Hoa commune, Tan Lac district. 

Typhoon Yagi and its circulation have caused serious damage to people and property in northern provinces. With the great solidarity and compatriotism, Vietnamese people both at home and abroad have joined hands to assist storm victims.

In its appeal for support to Yagi-hit victims, the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee affirmed that no matter how fierce the storm is, it will pass, only the comradeship and compatriotism will remain forever along with the fine cultural traditions of the Vietnamese people.

Together with people across the country, the Party organisation, administration, and people of all ethnic groups in Hoa Binh province are turning their hearts to people in the areas affected by Typhoon Yagi and its accompanying flooding.

The political system from the provincial to grassroots levels, agencies, units, localities, and organisations in the province have quickly called on cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers to join hands to support storm victims.

Across Hoa Binh province, individuals and groups have also participated in delivering relief over the last few days.

Even the localities that also suffer from typhoon impacts such as Quang Ninh, Hai Phong, and Hanoi are willing to support disadvantaged mountainous provinces.

In the provinces hit hard by the disasters such as Lao Cai, Yen Bai, and Hoa Binh, people are striving to address consequences of the typhoon while at the same time assisting one another like members of a family. In this difficult time, people care and share with each other, which vividly shows the great national solidarity and compatriotism of the Vietnamese people.

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