Currently, Kim Boi district's Party Organisation has 66 grassroots Party organisations and Party cells, with 283 subordinate party cells and 6,806 party members. To address the limitations in the activities of party cells in recent times, the district's Party Organisation is taking the lead in the province in implementing model party cells.

The Party cell of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies' Branch in Kim Boi holds a meeting to collect party members' opinions on the implementation of a model Party cell.

Nguyen Van Hoang, Head of the Organisation Board of the Kim Boi District Party Committee, said that despite gaining certain achievements, the activities of the party cells within the district have revealed several shortcomings relating to the preparation of discussion content and sense of responsibility of Party members in contributing ideas. The resolutions issued by the Party cells have not closely met the requirements of the political tasks of the localities, agencies, and units. The management, assignment of tasks, supervision, education, and training of Party members in some grassroots Party organisations are still limited. The commitment and enthusiasm of Party members, especially their close engagement with local communities in proactively disseminating the Party and State's policies and guidelines, and being exemplary and taking the lead in implementing political tasks are also limited. This reality requires innovation, improving the leadership capacity, the quality of Party cells' operations, and the quality of cadres and Party members. 

To address these limitations, the Kim Boi Party Committee's Organisation Board has recommended the Standing Board of the Kim Boi District Party Committee to implement the models of party cells. The perspective is that these cells must first adhere strictly to their functions, tasks, and power as stipulated by the Party's regulations and relevant documents from various levels of party committees. Each party cell will choose specific contents and requirements that align with its political tasks and the characteristics of its members to focus on leadership and direction, thereby leveraging strengths and minimising weaknesses to excellently fulfill assigned political tasks. 

Regarding the building of a model party cell, Le Viet Ha, Secretary of the Party Cell of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies’ Branch in Kim Boi district, said that it has 10 members and holds regular meetings from the 26th to the 31st of each month, noting that they have registered to participate in the pilot implementation of the model party cells. Currently, the cell is developing the model with priority given to successfully completing political tasks, building the Party, and strengthening the political system, maintaining solidarity and discipline; and having capable members. 

The Standing Board of the Kim Boi District Party Committee has issued guidance for grassroots organisations to develop the model party cells tailored to each type, making it easily identifiable and implementable. Party committees and Party cells are urged to be innovative and add new contents to enhance the strengths of their localities and units.

The pilot implementation of the models began in the second and third quarters of 2024. There will be meetings to review the outcomes and draw experiences for the implementation in the following years. If successful, it will be expanded in the 2025-2030 term to include all party cells in the district.

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