As the Lunar New Year (Tet) festival is approaching, many businesses, supermarkets and retail outlets in Hoa Binh have offered a diverse array of goods at stable prices to meet public demand.

Hoa Binh ensures sufficient supply of affordable goods for Tet.

Pham Thi Nhuan, Director of Dinh Nhuan commercial joint stock company in Hoa Binh city said that the company has proactively prepared sufficient stock of a wide range of items to serve customers’ demand. The company's supermarket has stocked worth of tens of billions of VND of goods for Tet and the goods have been put on sale, especially confectionery, beer and beverages.

The supermarket has also introduced several promotions and discount programmes to stimulate shopping demand while implementing the price stabilisation programme, contributing to creating favourable conditions for people to shop.

According to retailers, this year's goods are diverse in types with eye-catching designs and most of them are "made in Vietnam” with suitable and stable prices. However, most small businesses said that due to the gloomy economic situation, people tend to tighten their belts.

According to the provincial department of industry and trade, the province currently has seven supermarkets - one grade I, three grade II and three grade III - and three commercial centres of grade III, along with specialised shops.

The traditional market system has been replanned and gradually renovated, with some new ones to be built newt, especially rural markets.

The province has 95 markets, including one market meeting grade I standards, 10 grade II markets, 84 grade III markets.

Some investors have shown their interests in investing in new markets or renovating existing ones. Currently, the province has transformed management models for 30 markets, accounting for 31.57% of the total markets in the locality.

It is forecasted that the demand for stockpiling essential items before, during and after the Lunar New Year is worth nearly 400 billionVND.

According to leaders of the department of industry and trade, in order to stabilise the market while encouraging consumption, the department has coordinated with functional sectors and localities to continue monitoring the market situation to ensure the balance of supply and demand and keep strict control of the quality and price of goods to meet demand of consumers.

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