In 2023, Mai Chau district’s Party Executive Committee has united, overcome difficulties, promoted and made the most of the resources to effectively lead and direct the tasks of the socio-economic development, ensuring the national defense and security, and doing a good job of building a strong Party and political system.

The people in Van Mai commune, Mai Chau district have actively been changing their crop structure to increase their income. 

During the year, the district’s Party Committee continued to lead and promote the implementation of the Resolution of the district’s XXVI Party Congress, 2020 – 2025 term; 5-year plan for the socio-economic development (2021 - 2025) and the Party's guidelines, the policies and the laws of the State, of the province and of the district, the focus is on implementing the plan for the socio-economic development, the estimate of the State budget for 2023. Accordingly, the outstanding achievements have been achieved: The district's economy continues to maintain a good growth rate. The total production value is estimated at over 4,398 billion VND, reaching 100.03% of the plan, being equal to 116.5% compared to that of the same period. The economic structure of agriculture, forestry and fisheries accounts for 29.59%; Industry - handicrafts and construction account for 34.40%; trade, services, and tourism account for 36.01%; The average income per capita reaches more than 51 million VND, increasing nearly 7 million VND compared to that of 2022. The total food output of the whole year reaches 32,884 tons. The state budget revenue reaches over 55 billion VND. The forestry production has been focused, more than 245 hectares of new forest were planted throughout the year, reaching 163.48% of the assigned plan. The agricultural production is an outstanding field, the people have actively changed the structure of crops, plants, and livestock, seriously implementing the intensive technical measures and pest control. The average rice yield is 56.18 quintals/hectare; Many varieties of plants and animals with high value and economic efficiency such as Mai Ha watermelon, Thanh Son garlic, Thung Khe sticky corn, Van Mai green beam fish, Mai Hich blue-necked duck... have been developed and expanded. 

Additionally, the National Target Programs on building the new rural areas, socio-economic development in the areas of ethnic minorities and the mountainous areas, and the sustainable poverty reduction have been synchronously implemented by the district, helping the economic development. The people have actively been contributing money and efforts to build the new rural areas. The rural face of the district has changed markedly, the infrastructure has been invested in building and upgrading, in which the people's contribution plays a key role. By the end of 2023, in the whole district there were 8 communes achieving 19 out of the 19 criteria, 7 communes achieving 12 - 15 criteria; Two communes Chieng Chau and Mai Ha achieved 19 out of the 19 criteria for building the advanced rural areas. In particular, tourism has been considered a strength in the economic development with the goal of making Mai Chau district a key tourism area of the province, an attractive, friendly and safe destination. During the year, the district held the traditional festivals such as Xen Muong and Gau Tao; they have successfully coordinated to organize the Highland Market and the Festival for the Community Tourism Village of the expanded Northwest provinces. In 2023, it was estimated to welcome over 656,700 turns of visitors; The total revenue was estimated at over 672,938 million VND.

In parallel with the economic development, the tasks in the cultural and social fields have been directed and well implemented by the District’s Party Committee and People's Committee. Notably, the education and training work has been paid attention to, the quality of education has been deeper, the school facilities have become more modern and synchronous, during the year 2 schools were re-recognized to meet the national standards. 16 out of the 16 communes and the town met the national health criteria. The district has always attached importance to improving the spiritual life of the people, using the culture as the foundation and driving force to promote the socio-economic development. The movement "All people uniting to build a cultural life” has been widely promoted and developed. In 2023, in the entire district there were 87.93% of the residential areas meeting the cultural standards, 82.86% of the households meeting the standards of the cultural family, and 95% of the agencies, units, and businesses meeting the stabndards of the cultural agency, unit and enterprise. In particular, the intangible cultural heritage of Keng Loong dance art of Thai ethnic, Mai Chau district has been recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage. 

With the efforts of all levels and sectors and the advancement in the people's lives, the work of hunger eradication and poverty reduction in Mai Chau district has achieved positive results. Last year, the poverty rate decreased by 3.45%, exceeding the set plan. The important results in 2023 of Mai Chau district have affirmed the correct leadership of the District’s Party Committee; Marking the maturity in the leadership and direction of Party committees at all levels and the management of district’s authorities, creating the momentum and force to promote the rapid and sustainable economic development in 2024 and in the following years.

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