In recent years, the movement of mass culture and arts in Kim Boi district has been maintained and developed, contributing to preserving and promoting traditional cultural values and building a cultural life at the grassroots level.


 An art troupe of Thao Ca hamlet, Vinh Tien commune (Kim Boi district) performs to popularise the National Target Programme on New-style Rural Area Building.

As a rule, every day evening, the members of the mass art performance team of Thao Ca hamlet, in Vinh Tien commune gather at the communal house of the hamlet to practice and rehearse music.

Kim Boi district has 158 art performance teams with more than 5,000 members. Each team has an average of 10 key actors, including amateur actors, the elderly, and youth union members, and young people. Even though they are busy, members of the performance teams always arrange their work to practice together.

In addition to the supported finance, most teams voluntarily contribute funds to equipment and costumes serving their performance. They join performance activities at the grassroots level and cultural and art programmes of the district and the province.

Last year, the grassroots mass arts team of Kim Boi district coordinated with the provincial Ethnic Arts Troupe and the provincial Culture and Cinema Centre to organise five mobile performance programmes in Cuoi Ha, Nuong Dam, Kim Boi, Hop Tien and Du Sang communes to popularise the Party's guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, and local regulations related social evil prevention.

The district also successfully organised the district-level popularisation contest, with the participation of 467 actors, actresses and artisans from all the 17 communes and towns of the district.

Nguyen Thanh Ha, head of the culture and information office of Kim Boi district, said to create favourable conditions for mass arts performance teams to develop and operate effectively, Kim Boi district has focused on developing its facilities cultural institutions.

Many cultural houses in villages and residential areas have been newly built with halls and stages equipped with lighting and sound systems, and basic auxiliary equipment to meet the practice and performance requirements of art teams. The district's culture and information office has also regularly coordinated to organise mass art shows, creating a healthy playground for art teams.

The widespread mass arts movement not only contributes to improving the cultural and spiritual life of the people but also helps promote solidarity among local residents.


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