Hoa Binh province currently has 134 non-agricultural cooperatives, accounting for representing 26.8% of the local total cooperatives. Of them, 42 are in industry and handicrafts, 10 in construction, 13 in electricity, 20 in trade and services, 6 in environmental sanitation services, 14 in transportation, 10 in tourism, and 19 in other fields.

Hoa Binh promotes formation of smart rural areas

Digital transformation in building new-style rural areas aims to gradually establish smart rural areas, enhance community activity efficiency, and contribute to making the National Target Programme on Building New-style Rural Areas more effective and sustainable. Hoa Binh province has implemented many models and programmes on digital transformation in rural areas, gradually meeting the requirements of comprehensive digital transformation.

Lac Thuy promotes land redistribution for large-scale field development

Lac Thuy district made a breakthrough in the land redistribution work during 2020-2023 to develop large-scale fields, creating favourable conditions for businesses, cooperatives, and other economic sectors to invest in the production of agricultural commodities, and helping improve productivity and income for farmers.

Yen Tri - leading flag in building new-style rural areas

In 2016, Yen Tri commune in Yen Thuy district was recognised as a new-style rural area in 2016, an advanced new-style rural area in 2020 and a model new-style rural area in 2021, respectively. It is the first and only commune in the province meeting the criteria for model new-style rural areas.

Yen Thuy district pays attention to vocational training combined with job creation for ethnic minority women

Aside from engaging in agricultural sector, there still some non-agricultural occupations that are suitable for women, especially ethnic minority women in rural areas. Based on the demand of learners, agencies and units in Yen Thuy district have implemented vocational training programmes that associate with employment opportunities and meet demand of labour market.

Traditional craft helps improve Lac Son women’s income

Over recent years, the People's Committee of Lac Son district has implemented various policies to support vocational training in traditional industry cooperatives, especially in ethnic minority areas. As a result, many households have get rid of poverty. Vocational training and startup support projects have also helped create numerous new jobs, increase income for workers, improve living conditions, and create conditions for sustainable development in the ethnic minority areas of the district.

Hoa Binh improves quality of collective labour agreement

A collective labour agreement (CLA) is a negotiated document between employees and employers that outlines agreed-upon working conditions, achieved through collective bargaining. CLA is considered a key solution to minimising and resolving conflicts within businesses, fostering harmonious, stable, and progressive labour relations, which in turn help businesses thrive and ensure stable, higher incomes for workers.

Da Bac ready to launch Hoa Binh-Moc Chau expressway

With a determination to start the construction of the Hoa Binh-Moc Chau expressway’s section crossing Hoa Binh before September 2, the Party Committees and administrations at all levels of Da Bac district have focused on site clearance to hand over the clean site to the project as scheduled.

Hoa Binh promotes effectiveness of "people and business-centred administration” model

Hoa Binh province’s public administrative service centre has implemented the "people and business-centred administration” model since 2018. It has been equipped with modern equipment, including an automatic ticketing system, surveillance cameras, computers, scanners, and software so that administrative procedures have been settled and results returned in a timely manner.

Lac Thuy district optimises ethnic minority officials’ capacity

Over the years, Lac Thuy district has paid great attention to personnel development by employing many people from ethnic minority groups to work as public servants and creating optimal conditions for intellectuals to promote their talents.

Preparations made for construction of Hoa Binh - Moc Chau Expressway

Given the importance of the Hoa Binh - Moc Chau Expressway (the section from Km19+000 to Km53+000 in Hoa Binh province) to socio-economic development of the province and the region, Hoa Binh is boosting coordination with the investor and relevant units to address difficulties and obstacles to speed up the settlement of procedures so as to launch construction on schedule.

Council in charge of security-order protection and fire prevention of Da River Left Bank Industrial Park makes debut

Da Hop Trading joint Stock Company, in coordination with the provincial Management Board of Industrial Parks and the Economic Security Division under the provincial Department of Public Security, organised the 2024 All People’s Security Safeguard Festival and the debut of a council in charge of security-order protection and fire prevention of Da River Left Bank Industrial Park in Hoa Binh city on August 11. Participants at the event included Nguyen Van Toan, Permanent Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee; Colonel Do Thanh Binh, Director of the province’s Department of Public Security (DoPS) and representatives from the Economic Security Division and local businesses and units.

Nam Thuong village makes strides towards new-style rural development

For the past few months, Bui Van Hoa from Binh Tan village, Nam Thuong commune, Kim Boi district, has been taking his granddaughter to the village cultural centre almost every day. According to him, the centre once deteriorated with no sports equipment available, and only the youth came there for football. With a local new-style rural development drive, families pooled their resources to purchase sports equipment and give it a facelift. Now, with a place to play and exercise in, children spend more time outdoors during summer and less time on their phones, he said.

Hoa Binh, power company discuss solutions to address difficulties in power projects

A delegation of the Northern Power Corporation (NPC) led by its General Director Nguyen Duc Thien had a meeting with the Party Committee of Hoa Binh province on August 6 to discuss measures to remove difficulties in implementing power projects in the province.

Hoa Binh power company enhances electrical services

Recently, Hoa Binh Power Company (PC Hoa Binh) has directed its affiliated units to make substantial efforts to achieve production and business targets. In addition, the company has intensified the deployment of various electrical services to better serve its customers.

Minister of Public Security attends All People''s Security Safeguard Festival in Tan Lac district

Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang attended the All People's Security Safeguard Festival 2024 in Phong Phu commune, Tan Lac district on August 2.

Hoa Binh leads localities nationwide in overall online public service quality

According to the Office of the People’s Committee of Hoa Binh province, Hoa Binh ranked first among the 63 localities across the nation in processing administrative requests online in July by recording 83.08 out of the 100 points, leaping three places from June. The ranking was based on the ratings in the National Public Service Portal at dichvucong.gov.vn.

Lac Thuy district focuses on developing comprehensive urban infrastructure

Over the recent years, Lac Thuy district has focused on developing comprehensive urban infrastructure in a modern and sustainable manner. This development aligns with the district's strategic plan, helping boost socio-economic growth, ensuring national defense and security, and transforming the district's landscape.

Yen Thuy district promotes role models in patriotic emulation

In recent years, Yen Thuy district has stepped up communications to encourage emulation movements, introduce "good persons, good deeds”, and discover, nurture and expand exemplary models, new factors, and creative and effective methods in the local community and society, thereby bolstering patriotic emulation and contributing to local socio-economic development.

Dong Tam commune focuses on building advanced, model new-style rural areas

Dong Tam, the first commune of Lac Thuy district to complete the new-style rural area building programme, has focused on completing criteria for advanced and model new-style rural areas at the same time with the hope of achieving the status by the end of this year.

Implementing the key tasks for tourism in the last six months of the Year

On July 22th, the Provincial People's Committee held a conference to evaluate the results of tourism development in the first six months of the year and to implement key tasks for the last six months of 2024. Mr. Nguyen Van Toan, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and Head of the Provincial Tourism Steering Committee, chaired the conference.

Hoa Binh province replicates emulation exemplars

Acknowledging the significance of revamping leadership methods and directing patriotic emulation movements, and considering the detection and promotion of role models one of crucial drivers for the effective implementation of the emulation and reward work, Hoa Binh province has issued numerous documents, asking agencies, units and agencies to regularly review emulation movements, and praise and launch campaigns among role models.

H1 implementation of development programme for ethnic minority areas reviewed

The Hoa Binh provincial People’s Committee held a meeting on July 18 to review the implementation of the national target programme on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the first half of 2024, and launch tasks and measures for H2. Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Dinh Cong Su presided over the event.

Hoa Binh forms 1,482 groups for security-order protection

As part of the efforts to realise the Law on Forces Participating in the Protection of Security and Order at the Grassroots Level, Hoa Binh has so far established 1,482 groups for security-order protection in all the 1,428 villages, hamlets, sub-areas, and residential areas in communes, wards and towns, gathering 4,459 members.

Lac Son district: Over 80 billion VND has been invested in the essential infrastructure in the ethnic minority areas

According to the report of the People's Committee of Lac Son district, implementing Sub-project 1 (Project 4) on investing in the essential infrastructure to serve production and life in the ethnic minority and mountainous areas, the total capital plan assigned by the Central budget to the district is nearly 110 billion VND.