(HBO) – Hoa Binh province’s Luong Son district has mobilized all resources to give its rural villages a facelift. The district’s focus has been placed on building new-style rural communes and creating sustainable and comprehensive momentum for local socio-economic growth. Hundreds of billions of VND has been invested in new-style rural building in recent years.

Conference promotes tourism investment in Hang Kia-Pa Co

(HBO) – A conference to promote tourism investment in Hang Kia-Pa Co of Mai Chau district was held in Hang Kia commune. The event drew Bui Van Tinh, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee; Ngo Van Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee; Nguyen Van Chuong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee; and Ngo Hoai Chung, Vice Director of the Vietnam National Administrative of Tourism under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, as well as representatives of groups, organisations, businesses and investors, leaders of departments and sectors of Mai Chau, and locals in Hang Kia and Pa Co communes.

Kim Boi district selects high-quality OCOP products

(HBO) – The People’s Committee of Kim Boi district has selected 14 local high-quality products to participate in the programme "One Commune, One Product (OCOP)” 2019, which are classified in three groups – foodstuff (nine), drink and beverage (three), and herbal products (two).

Hoa Binh develops branding of Tan Lac red grapefruit

(HBO) - The collective trademark recognition of Tan Lac red grapefruit received in late November 2017 has affirmed the quality of a specialty in Muong Bi and efforts of Tan Lac district’s authorities and farmers.

Promoting the production of the key products in the field of cultivation

(HBO) - According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, in order to form a concentrated production area, the People's Committee of the province has reviewed, adjusted and supplemented the Plan for the citrus development to 12,145 ha by 2020 with the orientation of 17,531 ha to 2025, in which 70% of citrus production area of the planned area have ensured the safety standards. Most of the areas are produced and certified to meet VietGAP standards.

The decision on the investment policy for 38 projects

(HBO) - According to the statistics of the Department of Planning and Investment, in the first 6 months of this year, the province has decided to invest in 38 projects, including 37 domestic investment projects with a total registered capital of 4,167.5 billion VND and 1 project direct foreign investment with a total registered capital of 10 million USD, increasing by 9 projects compared to the same period last year but the registered capital decreased by 11.2%.

Effective livestock breeding cooperation groups in Hop Chau commune

(HBO) – Households in Hoa Binh have developed livestock breeding with many effective models of cooperation groups and cooperatives in buffalo and cow breeding. In Luong Son district, the breeding cow cooperation group in Nghia Kep village, Hop Chau commune is considered as a typical one.

Hoa Binh strives to fulfill summer-autumn crop plan

(HBO) – Following the bumper harvest of the 2019 spring crop, localities in Hoa Binh province have promptly prepared necessary conditions to begin the summer-autumn crop plan. By now, farming progress is being stepped up with a determination to plant almost all the major crops in July as scheduled.

Lemongrass, profitable plant in Hung Tien commune

(HBO) - Secretary of Hung Tien commune’s Party Committee Bui The Vuong, the commune started growing lemongrass in 2003 when a few farmer households in Ba Bi village planted and sold the product on a small scale.

Outstanding loans in Da Bac district exceed 350 billion VND

(HBO) – Da Bac district has carried out 14 preferential credit programmes with total outstanding loans of more than 350 billion VND (15 million USD). As many as 9,634 clients were provided with the loans.

Hoa Binh brings Vietnamese goods closer to customers in rural areas

(HBO) - After 10 years of implementing the campaign "Vietnamese people prioritise using Vietnamese goods”, the northern province of Hoa Binh has brought locally-made products closer to people in rural and far-flung areas which have economic difficulties and unfavourable transport systems.

The debit balance for the program on clean water and environmental sanitation has reached over 433 billion VND

(HBO) - From the beginning of the year until now, the Program on loan for clean water and environmental sanitation implemented in the province has loaned 3,650 turns of households with the loan turnover of over 66 billion VND; the turnover of the debt collection has reached over 37 billion VND. By the end of June, the total debit balance of the program was over 433 billion VND with 35,714 households having the debit balance. From this source, the households have invested in building the facilities of clean water and sanitation.

Hoa Binh province achieved 78.5% of the plan for concentrated forest planting

(HBO) - In June, localities in Hoa Binh province exploited 723 ha of plantation forest. The production reached 42.7 thousand m3 of timber.

Hoa Binh to take drastic measures for State budget collection in H2

(HBO) - As of June 30, Hoa Binh’s state budget collection exceeded 1.47 trillion VND, accounting for 50 percent of the Ministry of Finance estimation and increasing 4 percent compared to the same period last year.

Tien Phong commune develops caged fish farming

(HBO) - Tien Phong commune in Da Bac district has 10 out of the 12 hamlets being located by the Hoa Binh lake which has rich and diverse aquatic resources. Therefore, more than 300 households have focused on developing caged fish farming with over 800 cages.

Solutions boost credit growth in Hoa Binh

(HBĐT) - From the beginning of the year, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has directed credit institutions, including those in Hoa Binh, to build and implement their 2019 business plan in accordance with the Government’s and SBV’s solutions on regulating monetary and credit policies and banking operation. The work aims at promoting credit growth, serving socio-economic development in the province.

Hoa Binh’s loans hit nearly 22 trillion VND

(HBO) - As of June 30, the total credit of institutions of the north-western province of Hoa Binh neared 21.26 trillion VND (909.7 million USD), increasing 5 percent year-on-year.

Three farms receive Da River – Hoa Binh fish certificates

(HBO) - Head of the Sub-Department of Agro-Forestry-Fishery Products’ Quality Management under the Hoa Binh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has allowed three facilities to use the trademark of "Da River-Hoa Binh Fish” and issued food safety certificates to eight others as well as the recognition of food safety knowledge to 39 individuals.

Hoa Binh works to improve provincial competitiveness index

(HBO) - According to results released by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in 2018, Hoa Binh province gained 61.73 points in the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI), up 4.93 points from 2016 and 2.31 points from 2017, and ranking 48 out of the 63 provinces and cities across the country.

Hoa Binh province generates jobs for over 8,000 labourers

(HBO) – In the first six months of 2019, the northern province of Hoa Binh generated jobs for 8,070 labourer, fulfilling 51 percent of the yearly target. The province supported 560 locals to seek jobs through the National Employment Fun and 105 others to work abroad temporarily.

Nearly 202 billion VND of loans offered to poor households

(HBO) - Realising the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 28/2015/QD-TTg on regulations on credit for households who have just escaped from poverty, the Hoa Binh chapter o the Vietnam Bank of Social Policies (VBSP) has coordinated with the local administration to implement the policy for the benefit of the local community.

Shan tuyet tea processing workshop improves Mong ethnics’ living standard

(HBO) - A Shan tuyet tea processing workshop was put into use in Pa Co commune in late May, which is considered a milestone in the strategy for sustainable development of production activities of Mong ethnic people in Mai Chau district.

The preferential capital has been contributing to ensuring the social security in Yen Thuy district

(HBO) - Over the past time, in order to actively contribute to the poverty reduction and the assurance of the social security in the area, the Social Policy Bank of Yen Thuy district has continuously improved the quality of operations, creating conditions for the poor households and the policy beneficiaries to access the preferential capital of the Government.

Hoa Binh creates caged fish value chain with stable sale

(HBO) - Blessed with favourable natural conditions of the lake area, the caged fish specialty of Hoa Binh province has been known wide and far by many consumers.